Since last May 15 and as long as the state of alarm lasts, people who enter the Spanish State from third countries must submit to a quarantine regulated in Order SND/403/2020, published on May 9th, and which obliges them to stay in their accommodation for the 14 days following their arrival, without being able to leave it except for the following reasons, and always with a mask:
- Purchase of food, pharmaceuticals and other basic necessities.
- Assistance to health centers.
- When there is a cause of force majeure or need.
This quarantine will not be mandatory in the case of cross-border workers, carriers and crews, as well as health professionals who are going to carry out their work, provided they have not been in contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.
In addition, according to the provisions of Order INT/409/2020 published on May 15th, between May 16th and June 15th (unless extended), entry to the Spanish State will be denied, for reasons of public order or public health, to all persons with the following exceptions:
- Habitual residents in the European Union, in the associated Schengen States or Andorra, who go directly to their place of residence, in the case of nationals of states outside the European Union
- Holders of a long-term visa issued by a Member State or Schengen Associated State who apply to it, in the case of nationals of states outside the European Union.
- Citizens of the European Union registered as residing in Spain or going directly to their place of residence in another Member State, Schengen Associated State or Andorra.
- The spouse of a Spanish citizen or partner with whom he maintains a union analogous to the conjugal one registered in a public registry, and those ancestors and descendants who live in his charge, whenever they travel with or to meet with him.
- Cross-border workers.
- Health or elderly care professionals who go to or return from exercising their work activity.
- Personnel dedicated to the transport of goods in the exercise of their work activity, which includes the crew of the ships, in order to ensure the provision of maritime transport services and fishing activity; and the flight personnel necessary to carry out commercial air transport activities. It will be an indispensable condition that they ensure the immediate continuation of the trip.
- Diplomatic, consular, international, military and humanitarian organizations personnel, in the exercise of their functions.
- People traveling for imperative family reasons duly accredited.
- People who document documentary reasons of force majeure or situation of need, or whose entry is allowed for humanitarian reasons.
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